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Sync using ElectricSQL

At ElectricSQL we are building a sync engine to enable realtime partial replication from Postgres to any other datastore, be it a JavaScript framework state store in a webapp, a database at the edge, or an embedded database in the mobile application.

To accompany Electric, we are developing a sync extension for PGlite that will enable you to synchronise a remote Postgres with PGlite.

The first alpha version of the sync plugin can sync a "shape" from Electric into a table in your PGlite. We don't yet support local writes being synced out, or conflict resolution, but we are actively exploring the best way to enable this in a layered and extendable way.

Using the Sync plugin (alpha)

To use the sync plugin, first install the @electric-sql/pglite-sync package:

npm install @electric-sql/pglite-sync

Then add it to you PGlite instance and create any local tables needed:

import { electricSync } from '@electric-sql/pglite-sync'

const pg = await PGlite.create({
  extensions: {
    electric: electricSync(),

await pg.exec(`
    task TEXT,
    done BOOLEAN

You can sync data from Electric using either the single table or multi-table API.

Single Table Sync

Use the syncShapeToTable method to sync a single table from Electric:

const shape = await pg.electric.syncShapeToTable({
  shape: {
    url: 'http://localhost:3000/v1/shape',
    params: {
      table: 'todo',
  table: 'todo',
  primaryKey: ['id'],
  shapeKey: 'todo', // or null if the shape state does not need to be persisted

// Stop syncing when done

Multi-Table Sync

The multi-table API ensures transactional consistency across tables by syncing updates that happened in a single transaction in Postgres within a single transaction in PGLite.

Use the syncShapesToTables method to sync multiple tables simultaneously:

const sync = await pg.electric.syncShapesToTables({
  shapes: {
    todos: {
      shape: {
        url: 'http://localhost:3000/v1/shape',
        params: { table: 'todo' },
      table: 'todo',
      primaryKey: ['id'],
    users: {
      shape: {
        url: 'http://localhost:3000/v1/shape',
        params: { table: 'users' },
      table: 'users',
      primaryKey: ['id'],
  key: 'my-sync', // or null if the sync state does not need to be persisted
  onInitialSync: () => {
    console.log('Initial sync complete')

// Stop syncing when done

There is a full example you can run locally in the GitHub repository.

electricSync API

The electricSync plugin can be given some configuration options to allow customization of the sync process.

  • metadataSchema?: string
    The name of the Postgres schema that the shape metadata tables will be part of, defaults to "electric".

  • debug?: boolean
    Enable debug logging, defaults to false.

syncShapeToTable API

The syncShapeToTable is a relatively thin wrapper around the Electric ShapeStream API designed to do the minimal required to sync a shape into a table.

It takes the following options as an object:

  • shape: ShapeStreamOptions
    The shape stream specification to sync, described by the Electric ShapeStream API options, see the ShapeStream API for more details.

  • table: string
    The name of the table to sync into.

  • schema: string
    The name of the Postgres schema that the table to sync into is part of, defaults to "public".

  • mapColumns: MapColumns
    An object indicating the mapping of the shape column values to your local table. This can be either a simple object of localColumnName: shapeColumnName mapping, or a function that takes a replication message and returns a mapping of localColumnName: newValue.

  • primaryKey: string[]
    An array of column names that form the primary key of the table you are syncing into. Used for updates and deletes.

  • shapeKey: string | null
    Identifier for the shape subscription - If not null, stream state will be persisted along with the data in order to allow resuming the stream between sessions.

  • useCopy: boolean
    Whether to use the COPY FROM command to insert the initial data, defaults to false. This process may be faster than inserting row by row as it combines the inserts into a CSV to be passed to Postgres.

  • onInitialSync: () => void
    A callback that is called when the initial sync is complete.

The returned shape object from the syncShapeToTable call has the following methods:

  • isUpToDate: boolean
    Indicates that the stream had caught up to the main Postgres.

  • shapeId: string
    The server side shapeId

  • subscribe(cb: () => void, error: (err: FetchError | Error) => void)
    A callback to indicate that the shape caught up to the main Postgres.

  • unsubscribe()
    Unsubscribe from the shape. Note that this does not clear the state that has been synced into the table.

  • stream: ShapeStream
    The underlying ShapeStream instance, see the ShapeStream API for more details.

syncShapesToTables API

The syncShapesToTables API allows syncing multiple shapes into multiple tables simultaneously while maintaining transactional consistency. It takes the following options:

  • shapes: Record<string, ShapeOptions>
    An object mapping shape names to their configuration options. Each shape configuration includes:

    • shape: ShapeStreamOptions - The shape stream specification
    • table: string - The target table name
    • schema?: string - Optional schema name (defaults to "public")
    • mapColumns?: MapColumns - Optional column mapping
    • primaryKey: string[] - Array of primary key columns
  • key: string | null
    Identifier for the multi-shape subscription. If provided, sync state will be persisted to allow resuming between sessions.

  • useCopy?: boolean
    Whether to use COPY FROM for faster initial data loading (defaults to false).

  • onInitialSync?: () => void
    Optional callback that fires when initial sync is complete for all shapes.

The returned sync object provides:

  • isUpToDate: boolean
    Whether all shapes have caught up to the main Postgres.

  • streams: Record<string, ShapeStream>
    Access to individual shape streams by their names.

  • unsubscribe()
    Stop syncing all shapes.


  • It is currently not possible to sync multiple shapes into the same table, as shape subscriptions require being able to drop all data and start over. We are working on a fix for this case, but the current version will throw if a shape is synced into the same table more than once.

  • In order to maintain transactional consistency, data is aggregated in-memory until we can guarantee its consistency, which might create a lot of memory usage for very large shapes. We are working on resolving this issue, and it is only a problem for initial syncing.